How many Open Source products out there give you the power of knowledge about them, and at the same time gives you the possibility of community interaction in realtime?
We don’t know the answer, what we do know is that web2Project is one of them.
How many Open Source products out there give you the power of knowledge about them, and at the same time gives you the possibility of community interaction in realtime?
We don’t know the answer, what we do know is that web2Project is one of them.
What good is a tool that promises to be faster if you can’t learn how to use it fast too?
For those fearful of SVN servers, Bruce Bodger from DemVal came to the rescue and provided a place where you can download the latest regarding the web2Project SVN code.
You can now try the latest SVN Release Candidate code version 0.99 online.
Yes we are getting closer and closer, and now is your turn to get your hands dirty and give us your opinion…