
Real Project Management for Real Businesses

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When we start projects, we often follow the naming conventions of our frameworks without even thinking about the “Why?” It almost seems silly to ask until you run into a – hopefully, legacy – codebase that has an incomplete or inconsistent scheme. Unfortunately, web2project is one of those codebases. For those just joining us, we […]

In the last few weeks, I’ve gotten a number of emails about our license change from Gnu Public License (GPL) to Clear BSD. While there have been a number of theories, I thought I’d share the actual answer. Although I have talked and worked with a variety of lawyers on this situation, none of this […]

One of the most common configurations out there is related to allowing web2project users to have access to only specific companies. While it’s not as simple as saying “users should only see things from their own company,” it’s not as complicated as you might think. Here’s how I’ve done it for various groups. If you […]

A few weeks ago, I spent a week at Microsoft Headquarters in Redmond, Washington representing web2project and working on SQL Server support. During the week, many people asked me variations of: Why? What are you thinking? Are you dropping MySQL support? What in the world are you doing? In some cases, their questions seemed more […]

At php|tek 2011 last month, we had three of the five core web2project members in attendance. Despite my best efforts to protect the project by making sure we were never standing as a group (vulnerable to a meteor), eating together (vulnerable to food poisoning), or flying together (vulnerable to the Swan Station), cooler heads prevailed […]