As of today we are on SVN Release Candidate state version 0.99
Meaning you can grab all that is needed from our SVN server and setup your own web2Project Project Management System.
All you need to do is to:
1) Grab the SVN code and place it in your site
2) Create a database for web2Project and correctly setup the includes/config.php file
3) Import the /install/web2project.sql script into the database
4) Point your browser to your web2Project setup and login with admin/passwd
5) Last but not least have fun and start working in a faster and more reliable way.
We know that 1) through 4) are a bit of a pain, and that’s why we are building a nice and easy installer for all the non-tech people out there wanting to get their hands on web2Project.
Do not despair because it will be included on the final release… So stay tuned…
For those of you that can handle those steps we kindly ask for your feedback on our forums, we promise we don’t bite.
By the way the database schema will no longer be changed until we have a final release so all the work that you put on the SVN version will not suffer from any modifications when we have a final release, so you can safely upgrade the scripts from our SVN server and you will always get your data protected and your system working better.
There are some more goodies coming up on our Documentation site but we will leave that for the right time.
Thank you very much and we hope you like it as much as we do,
Pedro A.